
Moving rhinoceros 5 to a new hard drive
Moving rhinoceros 5 to a new hard drive

Make sure not to forget about the “New” and “Alert” files. As mentioned, you can skip this step if you plan on moving your entire hard drive to the new computer.

moving rhinoceros 5 to a new hard drive

Then you can copy the files from the old folder to the new one. Once you have located the files, you must create a new folder on the new storage device. You first need to locate the folder where you have your files stored.

moving rhinoceros 5 to a new hard drive

This process can take a bit of time, especially if you have a lot of footage archived, so it is best to start on this as soon as possible. It is easiest to move the entire hard drive, since it saves you a bunch of copying, but either option is completely fine. If you are going to move your existing hard drive to the new computer, you can skip this step. The first step you need to take is to copy your Blue Iris files to the hard drive of the new computer, or to whatever storage device you are going to keep them on.

Moving rhinoceros 5 to a new hard drive