The direct/torrent download from is highly compressed and free of any virus, spyware or adware. Flinging those finely tuned racers round hairpins and over hillocks is a seat-of-the pants experience in CM games, and CM04 has done nothing to dilute this gritty handling trademark. There are six championships to complete in the game.

A dusty track leads between the trees and you listen with delight to the sounds of the woodland around you. With a decent steering wheel (preferably with pedals), blasting round CM04's superb-looking courses promises to be a very pleasant drive indeed. Unsurprisingly, given the nature of rally, there's been no multiplayer modes in previous games to speak of. When this happens, the best remedy is to bang the camera into cockpit view, at which point your stomach lurches like you're strapped into Alton Towers' finest. Like many other activities such as jogging, revising for exams and hand-to-gland combat, it's debatable whether racing games are best enjoyed alone or with others.